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New ZomBee Watch Video


KQED San Francisco's PBS channel has produced a new video about ZomBees and ZomBee Watch entitled ZomBees: Flight of the living dead.  Check it out. - more

Zombie Fly Maggots in Vermont Bees


This week, biologists confirmed the presence in Burlington of so-called 'ZomBees' -- hive-dwellers whose brains have been devoured by the spawn of a small parasitic fly. It's not a Halloween-season prank.  Read moreListen to a report on Vermont Public Radio - more

ZomBees discovered in the Eastern U.S.


Apocephalus borealis
pupae and adults have been confirmed from a sample of honey bees taken from
under a porch light in Burlington, Vermont.  This is the first case of parasitism by the zombie fly in
honey bees from the eastern ... - more

Zombie flies detected in Belgium


Molecular assays detected Apocephalus borealis in 31% of a
sample of 363 honey bee hives from Belgium. If confirmed, this would
mean that the zombie fly has been introduced into Europe where it could
European ... - more