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ZomBees in the News!


In the last few days, ZomBee Watch has received considerable media coverage.  Citizen scientist Claire Kimmel's discovery of the first infected honey bees in North Carolina received coverage by North Carolina and Florida TV stations and National Public Radio in ... - more

First Cases from Nova Scotia, ME & NC


Citizen scientists have discovered the first cases of honey bees infected by the zombie fly Apocephalus borealis in Nova Scotia, Maine and western North Carolina.  The Nova Scotia records are the first from the eastern part of Canada.  The North ... - more

New Cases of Zombie Bees from Canada


Two new cases of honey bees infected by the zombie fly Apocephalus borealis have been confirmed from Canada.  Both cases are from British Columbia.  ZomBee Watch participant Tyler Baldwin discusses the situation with his hives in an interview with Metro ... - more

Beekeeper Sarah Wallbank on CBC


Watch beekeeper and citizen scientist Sarah Wallbank on CBC's The National.  Sarah discovered the first Canadian bees parasitized by the zombie fly Apocephalus borealis.  With the help of more people like Sarah, we can find out the extent of zombie ... - more